About Us
The goal of The Discipleship Center is to give our members, extended family and friends of the ministry a more in depth understanding of WHOSE WE ARE, WHO WE ARE and WHY WE ARE as a ministry.
Our Vision:
Our vision is to see communities transformed into the family of God by equipping leaders to impact communities.
It is our desire to see this happen organically yet with intentionality.
We believe that God has wired us uniquely with certain gifts, talents, and passions and it is with these in mind that we reach out to God’s people and begin cultivating authentic relationships.
It is our aspiration that through these relationships, we would deeply and practically learn to care for one another and make disciples for the Kingdom.
Our Mission:
Our mission is to be disciples who make disciples of Jesus Christ.
We believe that we should always be learning and challenged on what it means to be a disciple of Christ.
We all need someone who is ahead of us on this journey so we can continue moving onward and upward.
We also know that we may be further along in the process (in certain areas) than others, and it is our responsibility to give back and disciple others so they can further mature in Christ.
We refer to this as the Paul-Timothy Dynamic.
We desire to learn by doing.
Our prayer is that as we understand our DNA we will better know how our local body operates and desires to function, so we can strategically be about our Father’s business in accordance with His specific design for us.